
25-Nov-2019 | Ephemerals - Blur

Ephemerals- Blur

SUPERFLY brings you something slightly different...a bit of indie soul.

Or rather the good people at Will Work 4 Funk and Jalapeno Records do!
"Blur" is the first single from the fourth album by ephemerals, "The Third Eye".
The thought processes behind "blur" may seem a little 'out there' but there's no doubt that as a tune it works well.
It's a track which definitely explores boundaries, both sonically and lyrically.
"Blur" takes songwriter Hillman Mondegreen back to her teenage years.
As a teenager Hillman tried to visualise her body by looking in the mirror through blurred eyes to see herself as she wanted to look.... hence the title.
In singer Wolfgang Valbrun, she has found someone equally as passionate about his work.
Wolf took himself to a pyschic hall of mirrors with his personality and all tue different aspects of who he is on show to set the tone.
It's hard to maybe put a definitive tag on ephemerals.
Indie soul, psych, jazz fusion all fits the bill at times.
One thing is certain. The Hillman/Wolf combo has been successful artistically and commercially and that looks set to continue